Being indigenous and fair skinned, I was automatically a wild card. Then being on the LGBTIQ spectrum as well, I was already living somewhat of an intersectional lifestyle. When I acquired my disability, it became the triple factor. Some people call that triple disadvantage, but I think I’m more of a triple threat. Instead of trying to force myself to fit into a box, I decided to be me more unashamedly myself. Clearly there is demand for a new box, so why don’t we create that new box and make it more equal? I went on to be a self-published author. I rehabilitated my left hand, by making these flower sculptures which were featured through ‘Raw Artists’ in Northbridge. It was probably a year into my disability that I had the brainwave to use yoga to look after my body and teach other people to do the same. That was a really big journey because as far as I am aware, I am the only yoga teacher in Australia with my level of physical deficit. I’ve been the chair of an aboriginal suicidal awareness network, the first indigenous employee at the NDIS trial site, and the only indigenous member for the last two years on the WA Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability. The silver lining is that for all I’ve been through with my disability it equalled me exploring my creative side and from there it’s really blossomed.