I’ve been into sport since I was young. I just love the fitness and strength. I feel so good when I’ve worked out. When I was fourteen, I was a junior Paralympian in rowing, shotput and discus. I competed in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne and broke a couple of records. I’ve kept all my awards, certificates and newspaper clippings. I used to rock climb until the place closed down. I love to climb trees and onto a flying fox. Last week I went skiing with two friends. I skied four hours every day. I’m just the powerhouse! I always want more and faster. At the gym, I do boxing, the lat pull down, swimming and pilates. I love pilates, getting strong legs and strong core muscles. I’m trying to get my girlfriend to love working out, too. It took me about seven years to get my Certificate from the Australian Institute of Fitness as a personal trainer. I’m 26 now. When I got to the end of this, I felt awesome and fabulous. My motto is “Never Give Up”. It’s on my T-shirt. It’s a message to me and to other people. I’ve just got my first paying client. I’d love to have three or four clients every week. Yep, skiing and getting that personal trainer certificate are the best things I’ve done in my life. Qualifying as a personal trainer is my biggest achievement.