
Close up portrait of Liz

Having your own home is absolutely fundamental to living. It’s your springboard to life.

I’m a mother of two. My eldest has flown the nest and if I didn’t have my own home, I would not be able to have my youngest living with me.

I’m a working mum and a Peer Support Coordinator. We debrief and share our lived experience and also sometimes feedback to government organisations. I get to help people build their capacity to stand up for themselves.  It’s the best job ever.

I have also illustrated some projects at work. And having my own home has allowed me to create a studio, an office space so I can work from home and spend more time with my daughter.

Willow’s a firecracker. I love doing everything with that kid, she’s awesome. Being a mum is my most valued role. For me, the most important part is instilling kindness and understanding and raising a good human being. Willow has developed an ability towards inclusiveness, in a way most nine year olds don’t understand.

Living in my own house means that I am able to create my sanctuary. I love having pets. They keep me centred. It is important for me in making my house feel like a home. I  have chickens out the back, fish in my fishpond for tranquillity and my Edie (the dog) brightens my day.

Support staff who come into my sanctuary need to understand that I don’t live in their workspace, they work in my home. I give them detailed instructions, how I expect things to be done, that align with my values

I live a good life. My ability to control how I live and the choice of who comes into my life is empowering, I’m happy.

The Lives We Lead Worklife has been funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services.
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