
Caragh smiling at the park.

I live in my own home. My home is my place to relax.

I love to sit on my couch and watch a bit of TV, and I love watching Gilmore Girls.

I love animals, especially dogs. I have my own dog, Seb. I enjoy giving him a cuddle on the couch and giving him his food and taking him for a walk. I take care of him.

I’m good with computers. I love watching YouTube, especially sport. I love watching soccer and my favourite team is Celtic. I often watch sport with my family. Sometimes I watch my brother play soccer.

I enjoy spending time with my friends and my family. I love jokes and having a laugh, painting, doing arts and crafts and drawing on my paper.

I choose where I want to go. I often visit Officeworks and the newsagency. I love buying paper, pens, stationery, pictures, and I love brochures.

My home is so important to me. I choose what I do, I choose what I eat.

In my home, I choose.

The Lives We Lead Worklife has been funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services.
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