
Karlene at hairdresser.

When I was about 19, it was my dream to get my own place.

I wanted privacy and to go out if I want to.

I had to fight hard to get my own home. It took a long time.

When I first moved in, it felt great!

I decide what time I go to bed, what I eat and what I want to do, when I have a smoke.

I run the house! I like my house neat and tidy.

I choose who works with me.

I am a social person. I have good people around me.

I have a good neighbour and she comes over a lot.

I’m in a relationship. It’s been 10 years.

Michael stays over every week. He’s very cheeky, like me. He makes me laugh.

We have a barbeque on Fridays.

Sometimes I make damper. Its good fun!

My afternoons are just for me.

I like being free to do what I like on my own.

I go to shops, see my friends, and sometimes I get my hair done.

I’m in charge of how I look.

Making my own decisions makes my life better.

I love it!

The Lives We Lead Worklife has been funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services.
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