I love performing and I like to make people feel good when they listen to music. What I want to contribute is I want to sing and I want to make people feel things through the music. You can feel it. You can feel that there’s energy when you sing, like a room will go quiet. Like when you do karaoke in a loud bar, if you can get that whole place to be quiet. I can sense that absolutely. You want to pick music that has to do with how you’re feeling or music that you can relate to having felt before. I think of a time when I felt that way and work on singing the song with that feeling. I had a woman who said, “Oh my gosh, I cried so hard one of my fake eyelashes almost came off.”
This is my biggest achievement. Going in and doing a mainstream fringe show. That’s really huge. At His Majesty’s Theatre and we sold it out, twice. That’s big enough. Now we’re going to try and do it regionally. The big dream is to tour the world and make music, to make people feel something, whatever it is.