Six years ago I got sick and was on life support for 7 days. When I woke up I had no vision and I couldn’t walk. It was crazy. I was thirty. My world’s never been the same since. But, you know, I’ve had so many different opportunities come my way now that I would never have had being a mainstream, stock standard, sighted person. Over the years, with the war on waste movement, it’s become important to me that I make some sort of contribution to the planet. However I can do it, I want to do it. I’m not hard core like a lot of people are but just want to use less plastic and not just buy brand new clothes all the time. I was always arty crafty. When I had to empty my home, put that on the market and then move into my Mum’s house, I came across all this stuff and I’m like, well we can use that for something else, it doesn’t have to be the purpose that it was made for originally. My enterprise is called Evie’s Emporium. It’s a reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose initiative with a practice kind of priority. My logo is ‘Seeing Things Differently’. I help people see things differently from my personal point of view of not having vision and also about how things can be used differently.