My name is Devin O’Sullivan. My business is called Devin’s Handy Office Help. We’ve been going for over five years now.
I try to make people’s day a bit easier. I deliver coffee and food. People text their drink orders to my phone.
I pick up shopping, newspapers and lunch for people who find it hard to get out.
Travis and I go to pick up the orders at a few places around town.
We are also happy to pick up keep cups because recycling is important.
I go to lots of schools with coffee orders for staff. Castletown Primary is a regular customer of mine.
I also pick up the newspaper every day and take it to Chris Harris’ Dental Surgery, with a coffee.
I do mail deliveries at Swan’s Vet. I save them having to drop off and collect their mail.
There aren’t a lot of delivery services in Esperance and people love it.
The best things about working are hanging out with Travis, seeing lots of people, visiting lots of places.
So many people know me now and I feel great ‘cos I’m helping people.