If I think about my achievements, I go back thirty-four years when I first met Kaye. We were very different in age and circumstances. We have a set of twins, now active adult members of society. Achievement number one! We’ve had pressures with one child having a disability, Kaye having breast cancer and me with my leg issues, but it’s made us stronger. We’ve been married thirty-two years. Achievement number two. I’ve been a musician all my life. Now I just love to get up and play and I really don’t care what I play, I don’t care who I play for. Being taught how to improvise and how to just play, gives you freedom. I work with a couple of different bands. It’s been really interesting to see that their understanding of physical disability has grown because of me. I consider that to be an achievement as well. My work now is helping amputees to build their capacity and confidence in getting back to work. When you face the decision of having an amputation, or if it’s traumatic and you don’t have that decision, a lot of amputees will look at it after that and go well, how can I go back to work, what can I do? It gives me a sense of purpose and achievement. I don’t consider it to be a chore. Yes, it is a job, it’s an income but it’s more than that, it’s more than a job, most definitely because it’s something that’s going to change somebody’s life.