I run a business called ‘Tristan’s Yard and Garden Maintenance’. I do whipper snipping, I do mowing, I do raking up. I check sprinklers. I do chainsawing. I cut all the trees and put it into a bonfire. I work hard and I really love it. I can’t get enough of it.
I do lots of places around here. I do the courthouse. I mow at Bayulu School and Fitzroy School. I just make all the places look tidy.
I mostly cut grass because it’s very important, because you don’t know what’s in it. If you’re walking with barefoot, there might be snakes. I look outside my door and it’s like “oh man, that grass is so long, I just wanna cut it”.
The secret to a good lawn is to make it even and I cut it really low to make it really nice, so people can see what’s in the grass and to make it safe. If you want your grass to be cut, I’m the guy to call.
We have to take good care of the equipment, just looking after my gear. I check the blades on the mowers, and the filter, and the fuel and the oil.
When I garden it’s really good for me, it really clears my mind, and my stress goes right down. It’s keeping me healthy, it’s really good for my muscles and if you don’t like the sun too much, that’s your bad luck. No one can survive in this heat, but I can.
I like running my own gardening business. I like to be my own boss because it’s really good and they listen to me. About four people work for me.
I do take good care of this place and people respect me a lot. So, when they come to me, I want it to be really perfect. I work really hard for that.
Fitzroy is a good place to grow gardens, you can grow anything. And it’s looking pretty good because of me.