I love my life. I’ve got three sisters, and eight nieces and nephews. I love them and they love me. I love my chickens and I like looking after them, I especially like getting fresh eggs for breakfast! As well as writing, I love sewing…big projects like wall hangings and bedspreads. I’ve learnt how to do this in my Design and Technology Tafe class. I sew presents and sometimes sell my things at a local market. Right now, I’m between jobs but I loved being a waitperson in a local café previously. In fact, hospitality work in different cuisines really interests me, especially Italian and Japanese. I volunteer in the kitchen at meals on wheels. I enjoy being part of the team that gets meals out to people who are elderly or stuck at home. I do work out at a gym and swim laps each week, cause it’s good for me, not ‘cause I really love it. Somewhere in my week I’ll enjoy doing some cooking at home, and eating out and going to the movies with a friend. My book success has spurred me on to write more. I have so many ideas. I’m also really keen to get acting and singing opportunities. Since I was a child, I’ve been dancing or singing in the ‘Let’s Shine Brightly’ event put on by the Albany Light Opera and Theatre Company. I wouldn’t miss this for anything.