
Luther holding a dumbbell in his garage gym.

I own my own home here in Busselton. I’ve been here for a few years.

My home is made for me. It has everything I want: my own home gym, the swimming pool. I love swimming and I love to challenge myself. I've done the Busselton Jetty Swim.

I also love going out to the gym, working out. When I finish the workout, I feel strong and empowered.

I’m a Personal Trainer. I’ve been training people for a few years and teach technique.

I also run live PT sessions on Instagram. I have a few clients following me. I love running my own business.

At home I also love having other people around. I love to make people feel welcome. I have drinks every Friday with friends.

Living here gives me freedom. I love my lifestyle.

The Lives We Lead Worklife has been funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services.
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