My team is the High Wycombe Bulldogs. We’re second on the ladder. Last game, we were winning, playing Wembley. I took a mark and kicked a goal. The ball went through the middle, right through middle. I love it. I yelled and screamed. I was on the bench in the fourth quarter. Xavier was hurt. I was holding the icepack on him, like a first aid person. I told him, ‘It’s alright Xavier, you’ve got this. We’ve got this in the bag, we’ve got this win in the bag.’ I love, I love the weekends the best. I love game days. I love getting goals a lot. I try my best. . . bend over, pick up the ball. Jessa passes it to me or I say, ‘I’m here!’ We’ve got three more games this season. One will be my 50th game. Sometimes I tell my team ‘It’s just a game, boys. Settle down.’ When the coach is trying to talk, I yell out ‘Yeah, one voice, boys.’ My footy mates, Corey, Matty and Robbie, come over for dinner every fortnight. I choose what Mum cooks. At the end of the season we’ll have a beer and a trophy night. I might get one for ‘team player’. I’m gonna put that in my room. First one. I love it.