
These days I choose to own my disability and be proud of what it means to me.  My disability means I must live with some big challenges, therefore it has made me courageous.  It means I have had to develop my resilience and find maturity at an early age, therefore it has given me great empathy toward other people’s struggles and a sense of what is really important.  It means I often have to wait for others to help me, so I must be patient. This gives me time to reflect, be imaginative, creative and spiritual.  It also means I burn more than the usual number of calories when I exercise.  If I could bottle this one and sell it – I would be a millionaire!  My Plan. Right now, I am at school.  In three years I want to go to the best UK university I can possibly get into with my school grades.  I am aiming high with Oxford as my ultimate prize. I want to become a Human Rights Lawyer and get experience helping reduce people’s suffering, particularly people with disability in Europe.  I definitely want to return home to Australia one day and rejoin our leaders in the fight for acceptance and inclusion. I hope to be able to offer a valuable contribution to our society and culture.

The Lives We Lead Worklife has been funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services.

These resources are in the process of being transferred to Inclusion Solutions. Click here to visit their website.
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